Appreciation for " Outstanding Performance For QTR FY 15/16"

Appreciation for " Best Service Performance FY 14/15"

Appreciation for " Outstanding Performance For YTD FY 14/15"

Appreciation for " Acheivement in CSI YTD FY 14/15"

5th Place For Top 10 Service Performance 2013/2014 (Dealer)

Appreciation for " The Outstanding Performance For  AMP13/14" 

Appreciation for " The Best Performance FY12/13"

Appreciation for " The Outstanding Performance For FY11/12"

Appreciation for " The Outstanding Performance In Mid Year FY11/12"

Appreciation for " The Outstanding Performance In 1st Quarter Financial Year 2011/2012"

Appreciation for 2010/2011 "Overall Achievement in CSI, Parts Purchased & Debt Management."


Front Row : dari kiri En.Khairul Nizam (D.D.E Executive Proton Edar Sdn.Bhd.) Pn.Eita, Pn.Ruby.
Second Row : dari kiri Ali, Fird, Shidie, Azam, En.Zaki, Anep.